Friday, September 28, 2012

Seal School Harvest


The School are collecting non-perishable goods for the "Loaves 'n Fishes" foodbank in Sevenoaks. If you would like to donate, please bring along any of the following to the school service:
Breakfast cereal, rice and pasta, oat cakes or crackers,  tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, tinned ham, tinned mince or stew, tinned soup, cup-a-soup,  tinned custard, uht milk, tea bags, coffee, sugar, toothpaste and tooth brushes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Messy Church Sept 30th 4 -5.30

Messy Church in preparation for Harvest takes place on Sept 30th from 4-5.30pm in the church hall. We will be making all sorts of things on the theme of "Things bigger than us: things smaller than us" based on Psalm 8, in which the writer looks up into the night sky at the sheer enormity of  the universe, and is mind-blown at the thought that the God who made all that made humans too. Not only that, God gave them power over so many of the creatures around him.
That's just as relevant a thought for us today as it was then - we can see the impact we have on the natural world, and it is good to remind ourselves that we need to take our power seriously and use it wisely.

Anyway  - expect crafts which take us into outer space and also focus on the natural world around us. Everyone is welcome to Messy Church. After about an hour of crafts and activities, we will have a short time of worship and then tea.

HARVEST FESTIVAL takes place the following weekend.
There will be a Hog Roast and Quiz at Seal School on Saturday Oct 6 from 6 pm. Tickets are £10 for adults. £5 for children and £25 for a family ticket.

Our Harvest festival communion will take place on Sunday Oct 7 at 10 am, with a special collection for the Rochester Diocese "Poverty and Hope" appeal.