Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday worship podcast and other news: Oct 30 - All Saints and All Souls


Dear friends

Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today. 

with best wishes
Anne Le Bas

Worship podcast     Order of service
You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

There will also be a podcast, released on Sunday evening at 8pm, of some of  the prayers, readings and the talk from the All Souls' service. You can find it, and all our other podcasts, on our Youtube channel, or at this direct link

In the church building today - Oct 30 All Saints' & All Souls' Sunday
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm All Souls' memorial service

During the week
Monday              2-3.30pm Talking Village drop in at Deniz' Cafe in the High Street.

Wednesday       10am Zoom Church
                           4.30-5pm Children's Choir in the church hall
                            7.15-8.15 pm Adult Choir in the church hall, not in the church
Friday                9.30 am Morning Prayer
                           10.30-12.30 Friday Group in the church hall

Next Sunday 
10 am   Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong

All Saints & All Souls
Today we keep the dual commemoration of All Saints and All Souls Days. Technically, they are on Nov 1 and 2 respectively, and each has a slightly different character. 
All Saints day is the feast of the unnamed people who don't have a saint's day named for them, people whose names we may never know, but who lived and died proclaiming the love of Christ in word and deed. All Souls day recalls those who are known to us, and is an opportunity to give thanks for them. 
This morning's podcast concentrates on All Saints' Day, with a sermon from Kevin Bright, but I will also be releasing a podcast this evening, after our All Souls' Day service, with a sermon from me and some of the prayers from that service. This should be available on the church blog and Youtube channel from about 8pm. 

  • Who do you think of when you hear the word "saint"? 
  • In the New Testament, all Christians are called "saints" - people whom God has called into his service. Do you think of yourself as a saint?
  • Who enabled you to hear the message of God's love? Who do you give thanks for today?

Over the coming few days, many people will be marking Hallowe'en. Originally this was a special day in the church - Oct 31 - it is literally the evening - the "e'en" - before All Hallows Day. "Hallow" means "Holy". We say "Hallowed be your name" - Holy be your name - in the Lord's Prayer. All Hallows Day is called "All Saints' Day" in modern language. On All Saints Day we give thanks for all the special people who have lived good and holy lives, and helped us to do the same, the people who shine with God's light in the world. Hallowe'en was a reminder of what life might be like without that light, which is why it is a day when we face up to the scary and dark side of life. It reminds us that we don't need to be afraid of bad things, because Jesus is always with us, the "light that shines in the darkness," which the darkness can't put out. 
  • If you are carving a pumpkin you might like to say a prayer as you do so, that the light that shines out of it might cheer people up if they are feeling afraid or lonely.
  • You can make a lantern by sticking autumn leaves or tissue paper to the outside of a jam jar or plastic tub and putting an LED nightlight in it so that it shines through.
  • "This little light of mine" is a favourite song in our Children's choir. Why not sing along with the video below. There are many different versions of this, so you can make up your own verses

There will be a quiet service of hymns, readings and reflection this evening, October 30th, at 6.30pm to remember those we love who have died. The church will be open from 5.45 pm if anyone would like to light a candle and spend time in quiet reflection before the service, or prefers not to stay for it. 
FINANCE TEAM. Could you help us as part of our finance team, which will be taking over the role of the Treasurer, splitting the tasks between them? You don’t need to be on the PCC to do this. If you would like to know more, please talk to the vicar. We have some volunteers already, but could do with one or two more.

Are you concerned about your energy bills this winter?  Citizens Advice Bureau are going to visit Friday Group on Friday 25th November, and deliver a Big Energy Saving Project workshop to explore ways of keeping our costs as low as possible. 
This is then being followed by an origami workshop, delivered by our own Nicole from NimiÅ› in the High Street. This will give us the opportunity to make some origami Christmas decorations, so another money saving project and possibly a chance to learn a new skill!
Everybody is welcome to this open morning, and we look forward to meeting you at the Church Hall for coffee, tea, refreshments and learning. What more could we ask for? 
The session will start earlier on Friday 25th, so watch this space for more information. 

This Autumn, we shall begin, as a whole church community, to work towards the first Eco Church award, which covers every aspect from worship and children’s involvement, to what products we use in our hall kitchen, how we heat and light our church building, and how well our churchyard provides for its fauna and flora. We are already some way along this vital part of looking after God’s creation,our wonderful planet,but wish to ensure that every single part of our church life is as environmentally friendly as possible, and more.
Lise Michaelides and Babs Bartholomew are setting up a St Peter’s and St Paul’s Eco church working party this Autumn, and need YOU! 
Please would anyone interested in any part of this, kindly contact Lise or Babs. Their numbers are on the pew leaflet, or you could sign up with your name and contact number, please, and they’ll be delighted to contact you-there’s a sheet on the red table, along with a copy of the EcoChurch survey for your information.

EcoChurch has a very interesting and helpful webpage full of suggested activities:

Now is the time to make our own patch of God’s Acre an extra special home for the nature we are so privileged to share our lives with! Thank you.
Lise: 07570 125115
Babs: 07973 478968 “

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25th.  Either 3pm or 7.30pm. £30 to include all materials needed, wine and mince pie. Contact Chris on 01732 763585 to book. Places get snapped up quickly, so don't delay!

Return of last year's successful event with stalls offering a range of unique Christmas gifts -  SEAL VILLAGE HALL SUN NOV 27th 10.30am-3pm 
Teas and cakes, Tombola, Raffle, Unique Christmas Gifts, Many Crafts and Sweet Stalls. Come and join us!!

This operates every 4th Tuesday of the month at Seal Library 2.30-4pm. We have some interesting speakers each month, and now, due to our success, we need some volunteers to help with the teas - putting out cups and saucers, and cakes, and tidying up at the end of the session.Please let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.  Frances 077492 40456.

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Dear friends

Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today. 

with best wishes
Anne Le Bas

Worship podcast     Order of service
You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

In the church building today - Oct 23
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong

During the week
Monday              2-3.30pm Talking Village drop in at Deniz' Cafe in the High Street.

Wednesday       10am Zoom Church
                           No choirs this week
Friday                9.30 am Morning Prayer
                           10.30-12.30 Friday Group in the church hall

Next Sunday 
10 am   Holy Communion
6.30pm All Souls' Service

Last Sunday after Trinity
Psalm 84, Luke 18. 8-14

Millais picture shows the tax collector in the foreground, but in the shadows, while the Pharisee is in the well lit space behind him. Jesus' parable contrasts the behaviour of a self-righteous man who believes he has his life all sorted out with that of another man who knows his life is a mess and asks God for forgiveness and help. Jesus labels them a Pharisee and a tax-collector, but in reality either could be any one of us. 
Humility and honestly about one's failings are not regarded as a "selling point" in many situations. Society often values those who can put on a good face and "fake it till they make it". But in the end, if we can't acknowledge our need, it is impossible for us to grow and change. 

  • Can you think of times in your life when you have had to admit that things aren't ok? How did it feel to do that, and what happened afterwards?

In the Gospel story today, one man thinks he doesn't need help - he tells God how wonderful and good he is. The other man knows he's made a mess of his life. It's the second one who goes away sorted out with God. The first one can't accept help, so he can't change.
  • When did you last ask someone to help you? Was it easy to ask for help, or difficult?
  • Think of all the things you have learned to do during your life. Who helped you to learn to do them?
  • Make a card to give to someone who has helped you, to say thank you to them.

There will be a quiet service of hymns, readings and reflection on Sunday October 30th at 6.30pm to remember those we love who have died. If you would like us to name someone in the prayers please add them in CAPITAL LETTERS to the list on the clipboard at the back of church or email to let me know the names of those you would like me to mention.  The church will be open from 5.45 pm if anyone would like to light a candle and spend time in quiet reflection before the service, or prefers not to stay for it. 
FINANCE TEAM. Could you help us as part of our finance team, which will be taking over the role of the Treasurer, splitting the tasks between them? You don’t need to be on the PCC to do this. If you would like to know more, please talk to the vicar. We have some volunteers already, but could do with one or two more.


This Autumn, we shall begin, as a whole church community, to work towards the first Eco Church award, which covers every aspect from worship and children’s involvement, to what products we use in our hall kitchen, how we heat and light our church building, and how well our churchyard provides for its fauna and flora. We are already some way along this vital part of looking after God’s creation,our wonderful planet,but wish to ensure that every single part of our church life is as environmentally friendly as possible, and more.
Lise Michaelides and Babs Bartholomew are setting up a St Peter’s and St Paul’s Eco church working party this Autumn, and need YOU! 
Please would anyone interested in any part of this, kindly contact Lise or Babs. Their numbers are on the pew leaflet, or you could sign up with your name and contact number, please, and they’ll be delighted to contact you-there’s a sheet on the red table, along with a copy of the EcoChurch survey for your information.

EcoChurch has a very interesting and helpful webpage full of suggested activities:

Now is the time to make our own patch of God’s Acre an extra special home for the nature we are so privileged to share our lives with! Thank you.
Lise: 07570 125115
Babs: 07973 478968 “

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25th.  Either 3pm or 7.30pm. £30 to include all materials needed, wine and mince pie. Contact Chris on 01732 763585 to book. Places get snapped up quickly, so don't delay!

Return of last year's successful event with stalls offering a range of unique Christmas gifts -  SEAL VILLAGE HALL SUN NOV 27th 10.30am-3pm 
Teas and cakes, Tombola, Raffle, Unique Christmas Gifts, Many Crafts and Sweet Stalls. Come and join us!!

This operates every 4th Tuesday of the month at Seal Library 2.30-4pm. We have some interesting speakers each month, and now, due to our success, we need some volunteers to help with the teas - putting out cups and saucers, and cakes, and tidying up at the end of the session.Please let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.  Frances 077492 40456.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday Worship podcast link and other news: Oct 16


Dear friends

Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today. 

with best wishes
Anne Le Bas

Worship podcast     Order of service
You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

In the church building today - Oct 16
10 am  Holy Communion
3-4.30pm Messy Church in the church hall
6.30pm Evensong

During the week
Monday              2-3.30pm Talking Village drop in at Deniz' Cafe in the High Street.

Wednesday       4pm Lavender Fields Communion
                           4.30 - 5pm Children's Choir in the church hall 
                           7.15-8.15 pm Choir in the church
Friday                9.30 am Morning Prayer
                           10.30-12.30 Friday Group in the church hall

Next Sunday 
10 am   Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong

Trinity 18
Genesis 32.22-31, Luke 18.1-8
Today's Old Testament story is that of Jacob wrestling with a mysterious stranger at a ford over the Jabbok brook , the boundary of the home territory that he left many decades before, on the run from his twin brother, Esau, who he had cheated out of the dying blessing of his father which would have conferred on him the position of head of the family. As a result, though, Jacob has had to run away from Esau, so winning this blessing has done him no good. Eventually he decides to come home and face the music, and this wrestling match reflects the inner struggle he is going through. 
Jacob Epstein's sculpture captures the moment when Jacob gives in, acknowledging that the stranger, whoever he is, has won. Jacob sees that this figure is, somehow, God himself, or his messenger. Jacob tells him that he won't let him go unless he blesses him, and God gives it, changing his name to Israel, the "one who wrestles with God."


In the Gospel story today, Jesus tells us that we should keep praying, and not give up. 

Think of a way you can pray as a family. You might create a prayer tree, or a prayer jar, somewhere you can put your prayers at home. Make a time each day to look at your prayers together. You could build prayer into your day at bedtime, or before meals. It doesn't need to be long or fancy, just a chance to say thank you for the things that have been good in the day, or tell God about the things that haven't been. 

This Autumn, we shall begin, as a whole church community, to work towards the first Eco Church award, which covers every aspect from worship and children’s involvement, to what products we use in our hall kitchen, how we heat and light our church building, and how well our churchyard provides for its fauna and flora. We are already some way along this vital part of looking after God’s creation,our wonderful planet,but wish to ensure that every single part of our church life is as environmentally friendly as possible, and more.
Lise Michaelides and Babs Bartholomew are setting up a St Peter’s and St Paul’s Eco church working party this Autumn, and need YOU! 
Please would anyone interested in any part of this, kindly contact Lise or Babs. Their numbers are on the pew leaflet, or you could sign up with your name and contact number, please, and they’ll be delighted to contact you-there’s a sheet on the red table, along with a copy of the EcoChurch survey for your information.

EcoChurch has a very interesting and helpful webpage full of suggested activities:

Now is the time to make our own patch of God’s Acre an extra special home for the nature we are so privileged to share our lives with! Thank you.
Lise: 07570 125115
Babs: 07973 478968 “

MESSY CHURCH takes place this afternoon – Oct 16 from 3-4.30pm in the church hall. Story, craft, worship and tea! For all ages – come along and join us.
There will be a quiet service of hymns, readings and reflection on Sunday October 30th at 6.30pm to remember those we love who have died. If you would like us to name someone in the prayers please add them in CAPITAL LETTERS to the list on the clipboard at the back of church or email to let me know the names of those you would like me to mention.  The church will be open from 5.45 pm if anyone would like to light a candle and spend time in quiet reflection before the service, or prefers not to stay for it. 
FINANCE TEAM. Could you help us as part of our finance team, which will be taking over the role of the Treasurer, splitting the tasks between them? You don’t need to be on the PCC to do this. If you would like to know more, please talk to the vicar. We have some volunteers already, but could do with one or two more.

We have reached that time of year, when we are looking forward to the Christmas season.
We have booked Seal Village Hall from 11.30am-1pm on Saturday October 22nd for a Meet and Greet event. You are all invited to drop in, meet your fellow Seal neighbours, have a cup of tea or coffee, and a chat.  You can learn about our local organisations, find out what we already have planned, and give us your ideas for how we might expand and improve on these plans. Many of our local organisations will be represented at this event, so you can chat to people,  about what they do.
As most of you are aware, we have hung icicle lighting along both sides of the centre of the High Street for the past few years. Obviously, the cost of running this lighting will be higher this year, and supplies will be lower still, so we need your views as to whether or not to hang these this year, and if we do, how to calculate the cost of running them to compensate those residents who are kind enough to plug these lights into their homes. We also want to establish your views as to responsible lighting this year.

We also need ideas for our family Christmas party and offers of help with organising this please. Sadly, our appeals for help to organise the Christmas lights, has received very little response, but we still have many very willing helpers to get the lights up  for which we are always very grateful.

We are also very pleased to be joined by Cllr Avril Hunter, the Chairman of Sevenoaks District Council. Avril is passionate about  the environment, and this is her central focus for her year in office, to champion the Council's Net Zero 2030 agenda.  She is keen to hear your views and listen to your questions around both the environment, and the wellbeing of the residents in the district. Please come along and meet her.
Please do come along to this event  and have your say. This is particularly helpful for those that have recently moved into the village, but also a great opportunity to meet up with people you may not have seen for a long time.

Are you concerned about your energy bills this winter?  Citizens Advice Bureau are going to visit Friday Group on Friday 25th November, and deliver a Big Energy Saving Project workshop to explore ways of keeping our costs as low as possible. 
This is then being followed by an origami workshop, delivered by our own Nicole from NimiÅ› in the High Street. This will give us the opportunity to make some origami Christmas decorations, so another money saving project and possibly a chance to learn a new skill!
Everybody is welcome to this open morning, and we look forward to meeting you at the Church Hall for coffee, tea, refreshments and learning. What more could we ask for? 
The session will start earlier on Friday 25th, so watch this space for more information. 

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25th.  Either 3pm or 7.30pm. £30 to include all materials needed, wine and mince pie. Contact Chris on 01732 763585 to book. Places get snapped up quickly, so don't delay!

Return of last year's successful event with stalls offering a range of unique Christmas gifts -  SEAL VILLAGE HALL SUN NOV 27th 10.30am-3pm 
Teas and cakes, Tombola, Raffle, Unique Christmas Gifts, Many Crafts and Sweet Stalls. Come and join us!!

This operates every 4th Tuesday of the month at Seal Library 2.30-4pm. We have some interesting speakers each month, and now, due to our success, we need some volunteers to help with the teas - putting out cups and saucers, and cakes, and tidying up at the end of the session.Please let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.  Frances 077492 40456.
MESSY CHURCH takes place today – Oct 16 from 3-4.30pm in the church hall. Story, craft, worship and tea! For all ages – come along and join us.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Scarecrow round up

 Here's a round up of the scarecrows entered in our scarecrow competition. 

Winners were:

1st prize - Roger Roadworker

2nd prize - Gone Fishing

3rd prize - Gordon Ramsey

Highly commended:-

Little Bo Peep

Aunt Sally


A huge thank you to all who took part (and still are judging by the late exhibits).

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Sunday Worship Podcast link and other news from Seal Church: Oct 9


Dear friends

Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today. 

with best wishes
Anne Le Bas

Worship podcast     Order of service
You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

In the church building today - Oct 9
10 am  Harvest Thanksgiving (not communion)
12.30pm Harvest Lunch
6.30pm Breathing Space Holy Communion 

During the week
Monday             9 am Seal School Harvest Service
                            pm Seal School Harvest Service
                           2-3.30pm Talking Village drop in at Deniz' Cafe in the High Street.

Wednesday       10 am  Zoom Church
                            4.30-5pm Children's Choir in the church hall 
                            7.15-8.15 pm Choir in the church
Friday                9.30 am Morning Prayer
                           10.30-12.30 Friday Group in the church hall

Next Sunday 
10 am   Holy Communion
3pm Messy Church in the Church hall
6.30pm Evensong

Harvest Thanksgiving
2 Corinthians 9.6-10
Today we give thanks for the Harvest at Seal. Today's podcast reflects that theme. At Harvest, we support Rochester Diocese's 'Poverty and Hope' appeal. Here are some details of this year's appeal, and a video message from the Bishop of Tonbridge about it. 

Help tackle poverty around the world: donate to the Diocese’s Poverty and Hope Appeal 2022
For four decades, the Diocese of Rochester's Poverty and Hope Appeal, has allowed us to play our part in tackling the causes and effects of poverty in different parts of the world.
Last year, over £20,000 was raised - thank you.
Since it was first launched 45 years ago, it has worked in partnership with three major Christian charities to provide bridges across the world between donors in Rochester and the left behind in some of the poorest countries.
In a new development this year, projects in our three African companion dioceses will also be supported to share God’s blessings. Your donations will go into planned programmes in five countries:
Eleven per cent of the population of Bangladesh belongs to a minority community and faces extreme poverty and discrimination. The Christian Aid ‘Empowering Left-Behind Minority Communities’ project will enable these communities to find opportunities, use their voices, claim their rights and be involved in the development process of Bangladesh.
Inequalities in Brazil are among the worst in the world. Florianopolis, in the south, has many favelas (slums), which are dominated by drugs and gangs and house much of the city’s population. Through CMS partners, Andy and Kati Walsh, this project is about engaging subcultures on the fringes including impoverished migrant communities and people that get caught in the cycle of crime just to survive.
Seventy per cent of Myanmar’s population lives in rural areas. In remote places, children and young people often have to travel in small boats and walk or cycle for hours to reach schools or live in boarding houses away from their families. The USPG programme aims to raise the standard of teaching, increase school attendance, and strengthen Church and community leadership in education.
The Dioceses of Mpwapwa and Kondoa are located in the central part of Tanzania, a challenging but beautiful environment of mountains and semi-arid plains. Most people live as subsistence farmers. Donations will be used to empower rural communities with water harvesting projects, irrigation systems and safe drinking water.
In Harare Diocese in Zimbabwe funding will help the rural parishes to towards self-sufficiency through small diversification projects which can provide both food and income, such as fish farming and bee-keeping.
Launching this year’s Poverty and Hope Appeal, Bishop Simon says, “Every gift you make will go to these initiatives, relieving poverty and the fear that stalks it.  God in Christ loves to show his generosity.  And he does this through us. We are his hands and his feet.  And we are also his money.”
You can read more about the projects here. 

How to make a donation

To donate visit: 
Other ways of donating can be found below.

We know that the pandemic has greatly affected many members of our communities and that you yourself may be struggling. However, if you are able to do so, please support the Poverty and Hope Appeal in whatever way you can.

As well as DONATING ONLINE  you can also:

E-banking: You can make a donation by e-banking to the following account: Rochester Diocesan Society and Board of Finance, sort code 20-54-29, account 90760099. In the reference box, please put P&H so we can correctly allocate the money to the Poverty and Hope Appeal, and something to identify your church (or nothing if you wish your donation to be given anonymously). 

Send a cheque: please make out to ‘Rochester DBF’ with ‘Poverty and Hope Appeal’ on the back and send them with any completed gift aid envelopes to Finance Team Rochester Diocese, St Nicholas Church, Boley Hill, Rochester ME1 1SL.

Add giftaidYou may increase the value of your giving by gift-aiding your donation. This allows us to reclaim the tax relating to your gift. Please download and fill in this form and return it with your donation to the Rochester Finance Team at: Finance Team Rochester Diocese, St Nicholas Church, Boley Hill, Rochester ME1 1SL.


As we celebrate harvest today, it's a good day to get out and about to see what you can find. 
  • There are some great Autumn leaf crafts here 
  • See what scarecrows you can spot today - see the map below - they will be coming down in the next few days!
  • What could you do as a family to help others. Watch the video above to find out more about the Poverty and Hope appeal.

Here's the map showing where you can find scarecrows in Seal. Why not have a walk around in the next few days to see them? The winner will be announced at the Harvest Lunch, which follows our Harvest Thanksgiving service at 10 am on Sunday.

This Autumn, we shall begin, as a whole church community, to work towards the first Eco Church award, which covers every aspect from worship and children’s involvement, to what products we use in our hall kitchen, how we heat and light our church building, and how well our churchyard provides for its fauna and flora. We are already some way along this vital part of looking after God’s creation,our wonderful planet,but wish to ensure that every single part of our church life is as environmentally friendly as possible, and more.
Lise Michaelides and Babs Bartholomew are setting up a St Peter’s and St Paul’s Eco church working party this Autumn, and need YOU! 
Please would anyone interested in any part of this, kindly contact Lise or Babs. Their numbers are on the pew leaflet, or you could sign up with your name and contact number, please, and they’ll be delighted to contact you-there’s a sheet on the red table, along with a copy of the EcoChurch survey for your information.

EcoChurch has a very interesting and helpful webpage full of suggested activities:

Now is the time to make our own patch of God’s Acre an extra special home for the nature we are so privileged to share our lives with! Thank you.
Lise: 07570 125115
Babs: 07973 478968 “

There will be a quiet service of hymns, readings and reflection on Sunday October 30th at 6.30pm to remember those we love who have died. If you would like us to name someone in the prayers please add them in CAPITAL LETTERS to the list on the clipboard at the back of church or email to let me know the names of those you would like me to mention.  The church will be open from 5.45 pm if anyone would like to light a candle and spend time in quiet reflection before the service, or prefers not to stay for it. 

Can you help organising the putting up of the Christmas Lights in the village?
I know Christmas is a long way off, but we really need some younger people to take on this task. It takes all of us to make a community, so if there's anything you can do to get involved, we'd love to hear from you.
MESSY CHURCH takes place next Sunday – Oct 16 from 3-4.30pm in the church hall. Story, craft, worship and tea! For all ages – come along and join us.

Friday, October 07, 2022

Scarecrow Trail map

 Here's the map showing where you can find scarecrows in Seal. Why not have a walk around in the next few days to see them? The winner will be announced at the Harvest Lunch, which follows our Harvest Thanksgiving service at 10 am on Sunday.

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Sunday Worship podcast links and other news: Oct 2


Dear friends

Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today. 

with best wishes
Anne Le Bas

Worship podcast     Order of service
You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

In the church building today - Oct 2
10 am  Holy Communion
3pm      Animal Blessing Service in the churchyard, (or in the church if wet)
6.30pm Evensong

During the week
Monday             2-3.30pm Talking Village drop in at Deniz' Cafe in the High Street.

Wednesday       10 am  Good Book Club
                            4.30-5pm Children's Choir in the church hall 
                            7.15-8.15 pm Choir in the church
Friday                9.30am Morning Prayer in Church 
                           10.30-12.30 Friday Group in the church hall

Next Sunday HARVEST
10 am   Holy Communion
12.30    Harvest Lunch in the church hall
6.30pm Evensong

Trinity 16
Habakkuk 1.1-4, 2.1-4  Luke 17.5-10

Today's Bible readings are puzzling ones - not the easiest to understand. The Old Testament reading comes from the book of Habakkuk, a short book, but one with an important message. Habakkuk was probably written just before the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and took many of the people of Judah into exile in Babylon, where they would stay for at least 70 years.  Many prophets at the time - and some in the Bible - said that it was the fault of the people that this had happened, but Habakkuk stood out against this view. Bad things happen to good and bad people alike, but we can find God at work in all situations. His is a vision of hope in a time of despair. 
In the Gospel, Jesus is trying to prepare his disciples for his crucifixion and the time when he will no longer be with them in the way he is then. They will have to face what will look like the disaster of the crucifixion. They will need to learn to look within themselves to find the faith they need, not assume that he can give it to them, as if by magic. 

  • What does the word "faith" mean to you?
  • What has strengthened or weakened your faith over the years?
  • What challenges it most?
  • What might you need to do to help it grow?


Jesus talks about faith in today's Gospel story. Another word for faith is trust. God is trustworthy - we can trust that he will always be with us.  

  • Think of something that is precious to you - a favourite toy, for example. Who would you trust to look after it for you? How do you know you can trust them?
  • Whenever we work together with other people we have to trust them to do their part of the job. Do something together with someone else in your household. You could:
  1. make up a story together, by taking it in turns to say a word or a sentence. 
  2. draw a picture together, each taking it in turns to draw something to develop the picture
  3. Play a trust game like musical newspaper. Take a large sheet of newspaper or a similar sized piece of cloth. Have someone play some music. When they stop it, everyone who is playing has to get on the same piece of paper. Now fold it in half and do it again. Keep folding it in half until it's impossible for you all to get on it. How can you  help each other to get onto the paper.


Please bring your furry, feathery, finned or scaly friends (if they will be happy among lots of people and other animals), Alternatively, you may wish to bring a photo. In this short, outdoor service, we will give thanks for all that animals bring to us, bless each animal, (or photo) and remember those no longer with us.

Takes place on Sunday 9th October at 12.30 in Seal Church Hall. This follows the morning Harvest Festival Service, so gives time to follow the scarecrow trail after church. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE SERVICE TO JOIN US FOR LUNCH.

The cost of the lunch will be £8 per adult, £4 per child, and £20 per family ticket (up to 2 adults and their children). Chilli con carne, (veggie/vegan option available), garlic bread and apple pie and cream will be served. The winner of the scarecrow festival will be announced at this event. This year, for catering purposes, tickets will need to be booked by Thursday October 6th please, or we will not be able to guarantee you a place at our groaning tables! Tickets to be booked with Jill on 07977 099438.

This Autumn, we shall begin, as a whole church community, to work towards the first Eco Church award, which covers every aspect from worship and children’s involvement, to what products we use in our hall kitchen, how we heat and light our church building, and how well our churchyard provides for its fauna and flora. We are already some way along this vital part of looking after God’s creation,our wonderful planet,but wish to ensure that every single part of our church life is as environmentally friendly as possible, and more.
Lise Michaelides and Babs Bartholomew are setting up a St Peter’s and St Paul’s Eco church working party this Autumn, and need YOU! 
Please would anyone interested in any part of this, kindly contact Lise or Babs. Their numbers are on the pew leaflet, or you could sign up with your name and contact number, please, and they’ll be delighted to contact you-there’s a sheet on the red table, along with a copy of the EcoChurch survey for your information.

EcoChurch has a very interesting and helpful webpage full of suggested activities:

Now is the time to make our own patch of God’s Acre an extra special home for the nature we are so privileged to share our lives with! Thank you.
Lise: 07570 125115
Babs: 07973 478968 “

Can you help organising the putting up of the Christmas Lights in the village?
I know Christmas is a long way off, but we really need some younger people to take on this task. It takes all of us to make a community, so if there's anything you can do to get involved, we'd love to hear from you.
Bring along your furry, feathered,  finned or scaly friends (if they are happy among other people and animals). If you can't bring them in "person", bring a photo instead!   In this short, outdoor service on Oct 2nd at 3pm we will give thanks for all that animals mean to us, bless each animal (or photo) and remember those no longer with us.   N.B Please make sure your pets are on a leash/in a suitable carrier!