Monday, June 02, 2014

Seal Fest and Big Lunch

It was a wonderful afternoon. The sun shone, the people came, and the atmosphere was great.

Relaxing in the sunshine

Loads of people came!

We ran a marathon Messy Church session lasting six hours... We made kites, bunting and a giant community banner - see the end of the post for a glimpse of the finished article. Many thanks to all the team who helped out, and cheerfully kept going throughout. It was much appreciated by children and adults, many of whom were surprised to learn that, no, there was no charge for any of this - we were just doing it for love. It was a lovely experience, and one day I might even manage to wash all the glitter off my clothes and person...

Future chess grand masters ?

There were teas, cakes and cheerful waitresses...
It's well known, of course, that cakes consumed at community events are entirely free of calories, and can be enjoyed without any effect on the waistline... That's my story, anyway!
There was music of all sorts - this is Cabin Fever. I didn't get away from the Messy Church tent enough to take any photos of the musicians, so thanks to Jennifer Kent and Anna Linley for these.
Rampant Rooster Morris dancers

A lot of the work of organising the music was done by a tireless group of teenagers and Harriet Linley did wonderful job of compering the afternoon's events. 

The finished banner - everyone lent a hand to make this event such a success! 
It's now hanging at the back of the church, if you'd like to pop in and take a closer look. We are open every day between about 9.30 and 5 pm.

There was a professional photographer taking pictures at the event, and he's captured some lovely moments. The link to his online album, where you can buy copies of his pictures is here Scroll down the page - Sealfest is at the bottom.