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with best wishes Anne Le Bas
Online Worship podcast - Click on picture above Order of service You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061 |
In the church building today 10 am Holy Communion 6.30pm Evensong
Next Sunday 10 am All Age Worship 3pm Animal Blessing service in churchyard (church if wet) 6.30pm Breathing Space Meditative Communion
This week: Wed 10 am "Good Book Club" Bible study in the vicarage: Luke 4.16-end 7.15 pm Adult Choir practice starts a new term (Children's choir starts next week) Fri 9 am Morning Prayer in Church 10.30 - 12.30 Friday Group in the church hall
Trinity 13 Kevin Bright is preaching today on today's Gospel reading, Matthew 16.21-end and on Romans 12.9-end. In the Gospel reading Jesus tells his followers that the way ahead will be tough, with loss as well as gain, sorrow as well as joy. They must "take up their cross" if they want to follow him. There is a cost to following Christ. That calling and cost may not be very dramatic, unlike those who first followed him, many of whom lost their lives as a result, but, as Paul's letter to the Romans points out, the apparently small things, persevering in prayer and loving service, working out how to respond to those who seem to have it in for us, can be demanding too.  The picture I have chosen to accompany the podcast is one of several by the fifteenth century painter, Hieronymous Bosch, which depict Christ carrying his cross on the way to his crucifixion. He looks out of the picture at us, as if to draw us into the story, asking us what we would do. The scene is full of people, each reacting in different ways to this beaten, bruised man on his way to death. Some are full of hatred, but others seem almost not to notice, or regard it simply as another day's work. Christ's suffering isn't just a physical matter, but the pain of trying to live out the Gospel in a world where anger and apathy often seem to have the upper hand, the painting seems to tell us. - Look at the characters in the picture. What do you think they would say about the scene unfolding before them?
- What would you like to say to Jesus?
- Does this picture remind you of situations in the world today?
All Age Ideas In today's Gospel story, Peter is shocked when Jesus tells him that he, Jesus, is going to be killed because of the message he is preaching. Peter still thinks that Jesus will be a great king in the end, even if he is just a carpenter now. Jesus tries to tell his followers that it will sometimes be hard to do the right thing and live in the right way. He describes it as "taking up your cross". That doesn't mean that they will literally die as he has done, but that they will sometimes struggle to love others, and live as he calls them to. - What has been difficult for you this week? Have there been times when you knew something was the right thing to do, but found it hard to do? What helped you?
- You could draw a cross on a piece of paper and talk about the things that other people might find hard, and say a prayer for them - people who are trying to set right things that are wrong in the world, people whose lives are difficult or scary for them. You could write or draw on your cross as you pray.
CHURCH AND COMMUNITY NEWS PETER MILTON-THOMPSON R.I.P The funeral of Peter Milton-Thompson, a much valued member of our congregation and choir, will be on Monday Sept 18th at 12 noon here in church. Anyone who would like to come will be very welcome.
ADULT CHOIR begins again this Wednesday at 7.15pm in the church hall. (Children's Choir begins next week) New singers are always welcome, so do come along and join us!
Sat Sept 9 HISTORIC CHURCHES RIDE AND STRIDE. We aren't organising a walk/ride for this event as a church this year, but anyone who would like to take part as an individual is very welcome to. There are lists of Kent churches open to walk/ride to and sponsor forms available at the back of church or here on the Friends of Kent Churches website or sponsorship can be arranged through JustGiving. The proceeds from Ride and Stride are divided equally between the nominated church and Friends of Kent Churches, where they are used to make grants for churches in need of repair. Seal Church will be open, with refreshments available, for anyone visiting us - many thanks to those making this possible.
Sun Sept 10 ANIMAL BLESSING SERVICE at 3pm. Bring along your pets, in suitable containers, if they are happy to be out and about with others!, or a photo of your pet if that is easier, and join us for a simple service of blessing for them and all the creatures we share the world with. We are planning to have a cake and gift sale after the service, and possibly some Eco Church activities.
Sat Sept 16 - FREE GUIDED TOUR OF SEAL'S STAINED GLASS WINDOWS. Learn about Seal Church's fine Victorian stained glass, the stories it tells, the people who made it, donated it and are memorialized in it. This is an event which is part of the "Heritage Open Days" scheme. Tours at 11 am and 4pm, lasting about an hour. Numbers are limited, and slots are running very low for the 11 am tour, so please email sealpandp@gmail.com as soon as possible to book your place, or sign the list at the back of church.
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY HARVEST LUNCH OCT 8th Our Eco Church team are planning a vegetarian Harvest bring and share lunch after our Harvest Festival service on Oct 8th. If you would like to come along, or make something to share, please sign the list at the back of church or email Babs Bartholomew |