Sunday, September 20, 2015

The scarecrows are back...

Here are a few of the scarecrows I have found so far as I have walked around Seal. As you can see there is a huge variety of entries.
 There should be a list out later in the week, and it's not to late to make yours. If you want us to judge your scarecrow you need to pick up a form (there are some on the noticeboard outside the church) and drop it either through the vicarage letterbox or Highland Printers, with your £5 entry fee. Most of all, though, this is just to make people smile - so do add your scarecrow!

This school girl is catching up with her reading on a windowsill in Childsbridge Lane.

A handsome couple

Scary Steve has an axe in his hand and seems to have chopped up a fellow robot scarecrow... Watch out, Seal!

A worn out farmer taking a rest

Here's Wally!

A cheerful scarecrow in Robinwood Drive

Probably the tallest of our scarecrows, also in Robinwood Drive.

Do we really have to think about Christmas yet...?

An acrobat from "The Cirque de Seal" entertains in Seal High Street.

This little chap is hiding in a flower pot.

Hmm... love the dress sense - a stylish scarecrow.
The new Minion Scout troup set up their camp in Seal.

A welcome sit down for a weary rambler.

And these two are mine, in the churchyard, looking as if they have enjoyed their wedding at Seal.

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