Sunday, August 21, 2016

Didn't we have a lovely day....?

We had a great parish outing to Hythe and Dymchurch last Thursday. About 40 of us went. The sun shone and everyone had a great day. Some went on the Hythe and Dymchurch railway, others explored Hythe or spent time on the beach. Many thanks to Marion Gilchrist, who masterminded the trip, and to all who came. 
Hythe Beach - still a working fishing beach.


Somewhere out to sea, some of our children are enjoying the water! I just stuck to paddling....

What would a seaside trip be without an icecream?
St Leonard's Hythe was a fascinating church to visit. It has an ossuary in the crypt, a place where bones were stored. It used to be a normal practice before the Reformation to disinter bodies when the flesh had disappeared and store the bones seperately.  A very knowledgeable volunteer guide talked about the bones on display, and what they told scientists about the lives, and deaths, of those whose bones they were.

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