Friday, October 19, 2018

Explore our churchyard

The churchyard was looking particularly fine this morning when I went to open the church, so, in an idle moment this afternoon, (when I probably should have been doing something else) I put together a sheet of ideas for children (or playful adults) to explore the churchyard at Seal. You can download  a copy here , or pick one up from church. There is a laminated copy to borrow on the noticeboard by the entrance to the churchyard, and paper copies in the porch. As half-term has just begun, I thought there might be some families at a loose end in the coming days. Maybe this will fill a gap in your week?

People often forget that they often have their own local historical monument and wildlife reserve right on their doorstep in the shape of their local church, and it's free! 
Seal Church is open every day, so while you are exploring the churchyard, why not also pop into the church. There is also a church trail leaflet for children. It's here, and there are copies in church too. 
If you live too far away to get to Seal Church, why not explore a churchyard near you? 
Autumn colours

Fascinating fungi

Wonderful colours and patterns of lichen

Ancient gravestones. I wonder who was buried under this one? It's too worn to see now.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Understanding this generation: Transforming Children's Mental Health

Children and Young People training

Children and Young People Information


FREE training – the NSPCC are putting on a training session in London at Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3NH on Tuesday 6th November, 12.30 – 3.30pm.  The session will enhance your understanding of -
·         risks posed to children online
·         key approaches to educate and support children about online safety
·         how to deal with young people who share sexual images with their peers
·         dealing with the challenges in keeping children safe in a digital world.
The team will also share helpful resources to use in your work.  Spaces are limited and will be prioritised for faith-based and BME organisations. To book please email

Boost Tour – Saturday 3rd November, 9.30 – 12.45pm at Christ Church, Chislehurst, BR7 5JJ.  Cost is £5 per person.  The morning will look at issues relating to gender and sexuality, along with exploration of how we create an all-inclusive church.  To book your place please go to

Nurturing a faith that lasts – Saturday 10th November, 9 – 1pm at St James’ Church, Tunbridge Wells.  This is a free training but booking is essential.  This morning will look at outcomes of research into the experience of young people who have made the journey from adolescence into adulthood with their faith and will look at some practical strategies of nurturing this faith.  To book contact Sarah Cabella, 01634 560024 by no later than 2nd November.

Monday, October 08, 2018

Friday, October 05, 2018

Harvest Festival

Come and join us for our Harvest Thanksgiving this Sunday. We collect cash donations for Rochester Diocese's Poverty and Hope appeal. You can find out more here.…/documents/1525948648.pdf

More Scarecrows...

More scarecrows seen around the village.
A glamorous lady from Childsbridge Lane 

Seal Cubs and Beavers have set up a tiny encampment on the green...

...and they've been joined by this chap, having a much needed rest.

Lavender Fields Care home have entered the competition for the first time with "Strictly Karen", all done up for a dance.

A sporty looking chap at Church Farm
Dave Martin has a new assistant for his painting and decorating business. Not sure how much use he's going to be, Dave...

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Some scarecrows...

Here are some of the scarecrows I've been able to find around the village. More pics coming later, so if yours isn't here, don't worry, I will include it in the next post. Not all have been entered officially into the scarecrow competition, but they are all bringing a smile to people's faces as they go around the village. You can find out how to vote for your favourites here. 
A very scary scarecrow in Zambra Way

...but he hasn't scared this Seal School pupil. They are made of stronger stuff.
There's a nautical (and piratical) theme to some of the scarecrows at the east end of the village. Here's a splendid pirate on Fuggles cottage.

And a whole sea scene down Park Lane

And here's another pirate and a mermaid (and some treasure). Maybe the east end of the village is anticipating rising sea levels with all these watery scarecrows...

20 High Street's Mary Poppins has just flown in by umbrella.

Lots of colour in front of the former Kentish Yeoman

And here is Judy Cator, who will be taking your votes and judging the competition (see what we did with her name there...?) Thanks to the Friday Group for this one. Friday Group meets in the church hall every Friday Morning from 10 -12 noon. Anyone is welcome.

Harry Potter is off to school from the first floor of Bretaneby.

And there's a scarecrow librarian in the library (where else would she be?)

There's a witch on 41 Zion Street

and a skier is having a rest in Church Street.

Here's my scarecrow - not entered in the competition, but just for fun - in the churchyard. The angel has messages which you can tear off and take home. 

The allotmenteers have put out a whole family of scarecrows. 

Scarecrow map

Here is a map of all the scarecrows which have been officially entered into our scarecrow competition. There are others around which haven't been entered (like my scarecrow angel in the churchyard), but this is the map you'll need if you want to vote. First, find Judy Cator (the scarecrow outside the village shop). She has voting forms, and a basket to put your votes in. This map is also on the other side of the voting papers. Find the scarecrows and vote for the ones you like best. The votes will be counted on Oct 6 at the Harvest Supper and Quiz in the church hall, and I will announce the winners here and on FB and twitter. Enjoy!