Thursday, February 27, 2020

In their own words. Day 2

Day 2 - Matt 14.28
Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’

One evening, after Jesus has been teaching the crowds by the lakeside, he tells the disciples to go back across the lake in their boat, leaving him behind to pray. A storm blows up during the night and the boat starts to flounder. The disciples are getting desperate, when they see a figure walking on the water towards them. Peter realises it is Jesus. He asks Jesus to command him to walk on water too. At first he is able to do so, but then realises how strong the wind is and how rough the sea, and, beginning to panic, he starts to sink. “Lord, save me!” he calls out, and Jesus comes to him, reaches out his hand and pulls him up.
As they get into the boat, the storm stops.
“You of little faith – why did you doubt?” he says to the disciples. “Truly you are the son of God,” they answer, aware that only God has power over the wind and the waves. (There’s a fine depiction of this story in one of our stained glass windows in church.)

·         Why do you think Peter wants to walk on the water? Would you want to, or would you prefer to stay in the boat?

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