Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday Worship Podcast link and other news: Sept 25


Dear friends

Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today. 

with best wishes
Anne Le Bas

Worship podcast     Order of service
You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

In the church building today - Sept 25
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong

During the week
Monday             2-3.30pm Talking Village drop in at Deniz' Cafe in the High Street.

Wednesday       10 am  Zoom Church (email for the link)
                            4.30-5pm Children's Choir in the church hall 
                            7.15-8.15 pm Choir in the church
Friday                9.30am Morning Prayer in Church 
                           10.30-12.30 Friday Group in the church hall

Next Sunday 
10 am   Holy Communion
3pm   Animal Blessing service in the churchyard.
6.30pm Evensong

Trinity 15
1 Timothy 6.6-19, Luke 16.19-end

Today's readings challenge us to think about our relationship with money. They contain hard-hitting reminders that "you can't take it with you". Jesus spoke often about money, and the way people used it. Inequality between rich and poor were as common and as damaging in New Testament times as they are today, and Jesus saw its effects on a daily basis. It was very easy then, as it is now, though for people to decide not to notice things which were inconvenient to them, as the rich man in his story does, walking past Lazarus repeatedly as he sits and begs at his gates.
There's an interesting detail in this story - Lazarus, the poor man, is given a name and an identity, while the rich man is anonymous (he is sometimes known as Dives, but that is just the Latin word for "rich"). In the Bible, unlike in real life, it is the poor man who is seen, known and named, rather than the rich man.

  • How do you feel about your money and possessions? Are you a hoarder or "easy come, easy go"?
  • How do you think your attitudes to money were formed? How was money treated in your family of origin? Were there anxieties around it?
  • How do you feel about this coming winter, and the cost of living crisis it will bring to so many?


in today's Gospel passage, Jesus tells a parable - a story to make us think - about a rich man who has everything he could possibly want and a poor man, who has to beg for food at the rich man's gate. After they die the poor man, Lazarus, is given everything he wants, but the rich man is left with nothing, miserable and suffering. The rich man realises he should have helped Lazarus, but now it is too late. Jesus tells the story to help people think about what they do with their money and possessions. It says in the Bible that everyone should be treated fairly, and that we should especially take care of those who are vulnerable or ill, or who don't have enough money or food, but sometimes it is hard to share.

  • Think about the things you have - the toys, books and clothes. You could do some tidying up and sorting out of them. Are there some that are really special to you and others that you don't use at all.?
  • Talk about what it might feel like to give away some of the things you have that you don't really need.
  • Have you ever really needed or wanted something you couldn't have, because you couldn't afford it? How did that feel?
  • When do you spend money? How do you decide what to buy with it?


Please bring your furry, feathery, finned or scaly friends (if they will be happy among lots of people and other animals), Alternatively, you may wish to bring a photo. In this short, outdoor service, we will give thanks for all that animals bring to us, bless each animal, (or photo) and remember those no longer with us.


 This year there will be no charge to enter a scarecrow into the competition.
Entries up by 24th September, but certainly by 29th, for entry to trail map.
To have your scarecrow added to the trail map, please register with JILL MYERS 01732 762803 or 07977 099438
Trail maps will be available from 1st October by contacting Jill above or myself on 07909 905975
The scarecrows will be judged by 2 of our Over 60's members (Kemsing residents so unbiassed).
The winners will be announced at Seal Church Harvest Lunch on Sunday October 9th (more details below).

Takes place on Sunday 9th October at 12.30 in Seal Church Hall. This follows the morning Harvest Festival Service, so gives time to follow the scarecrow trail after church. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE SERVICE TO JOIN US FOR LUNCH.

The cost of the lunch will be £8 per adult, £4 per child, and £20 per family ticket (up to 2 adults and their children). Chilli con carne, (veggie/vegan option available), garlic bread and apple pie and cream will be served. The winner of the scarecrow festival will be announced at this event. This year, for catering purposes, tickets will need to be booked by Thursday October 6th please, or we will not be able to guarantee you a place at our groaning tables! Tickets to be booked with Jill on 07977 099438.

Can you help organising the putting up of the Christmas Lights in the village?
I know Christmas is a long way off, but we really need some younger people to take on this task. It takes all of us to make a community, so if there's anything you can do to get involved, we'd love to hear from you.
Bring along your furry, feathered,  finned or scaly friends (if they are happy among other people and animals). If you can't bring them in "person", bring a photo instead!   In this short, outdoor service on Oct 2nd at 3pm we will give thanks for all that animals mean to us, bless each animal (or photo) and remember those no longer with us.   N.B Please make sure your pets are on a leash/in a suitable carrier!

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