Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday Worship podcast link and other news: Oct 16


Dear friends

Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today. 

with best wishes
Anne Le Bas

Worship podcast     Order of service
You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

In the church building today - Oct 16
10 am  Holy Communion
3-4.30pm Messy Church in the church hall
6.30pm Evensong

During the week
Monday              2-3.30pm Talking Village drop in at Deniz' Cafe in the High Street.

Wednesday       4pm Lavender Fields Communion
                           4.30 - 5pm Children's Choir in the church hall 
                           7.15-8.15 pm Choir in the church
Friday                9.30 am Morning Prayer
                           10.30-12.30 Friday Group in the church hall

Next Sunday 
10 am   Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong

Trinity 18
Genesis 32.22-31, Luke 18.1-8
Today's Old Testament story is that of Jacob wrestling with a mysterious stranger at a ford over the Jabbok brook , the boundary of the home territory that he left many decades before, on the run from his twin brother, Esau, who he had cheated out of the dying blessing of his father which would have conferred on him the position of head of the family. As a result, though, Jacob has had to run away from Esau, so winning this blessing has done him no good. Eventually he decides to come home and face the music, and this wrestling match reflects the inner struggle he is going through. 
Jacob Epstein's sculpture captures the moment when Jacob gives in, acknowledging that the stranger, whoever he is, has won. Jacob sees that this figure is, somehow, God himself, or his messenger. Jacob tells him that he won't let him go unless he blesses him, and God gives it, changing his name to Israel, the "one who wrestles with God."


In the Gospel story today, Jesus tells us that we should keep praying, and not give up. 

Think of a way you can pray as a family. You might create a prayer tree, or a prayer jar, somewhere you can put your prayers at home. Make a time each day to look at your prayers together. You could build prayer into your day at bedtime, or before meals. It doesn't need to be long or fancy, just a chance to say thank you for the things that have been good in the day, or tell God about the things that haven't been. 

This Autumn, we shall begin, as a whole church community, to work towards the first Eco Church award, which covers every aspect from worship and children’s involvement, to what products we use in our hall kitchen, how we heat and light our church building, and how well our churchyard provides for its fauna and flora. We are already some way along this vital part of looking after God’s creation,our wonderful planet,but wish to ensure that every single part of our church life is as environmentally friendly as possible, and more.
Lise Michaelides and Babs Bartholomew are setting up a St Peter’s and St Paul’s Eco church working party this Autumn, and need YOU! 
Please would anyone interested in any part of this, kindly contact Lise or Babs. Their numbers are on the pew leaflet, or you could sign up with your name and contact number, please, and they’ll be delighted to contact you-there’s a sheet on the red table, along with a copy of the EcoChurch survey for your information.

EcoChurch has a very interesting and helpful webpage full of suggested activities:

Now is the time to make our own patch of God’s Acre an extra special home for the nature we are so privileged to share our lives with! Thank you.
Lise: 07570 125115
Babs: 07973 478968 “

MESSY CHURCH takes place this afternoon – Oct 16 from 3-4.30pm in the church hall. Story, craft, worship and tea! For all ages – come along and join us.
There will be a quiet service of hymns, readings and reflection on Sunday October 30th at 6.30pm to remember those we love who have died. If you would like us to name someone in the prayers please add them in CAPITAL LETTERS to the list on the clipboard at the back of church or email to let me know the names of those you would like me to mention.  The church will be open from 5.45 pm if anyone would like to light a candle and spend time in quiet reflection before the service, or prefers not to stay for it. 
FINANCE TEAM. Could you help us as part of our finance team, which will be taking over the role of the Treasurer, splitting the tasks between them? You don’t need to be on the PCC to do this. If you would like to know more, please talk to the vicar. We have some volunteers already, but could do with one or two more.

We have reached that time of year, when we are looking forward to the Christmas season.
We have booked Seal Village Hall from 11.30am-1pm on Saturday October 22nd for a Meet and Greet event. You are all invited to drop in, meet your fellow Seal neighbours, have a cup of tea or coffee, and a chat.  You can learn about our local organisations, find out what we already have planned, and give us your ideas for how we might expand and improve on these plans. Many of our local organisations will be represented at this event, so you can chat to people,  about what they do.
As most of you are aware, we have hung icicle lighting along both sides of the centre of the High Street for the past few years. Obviously, the cost of running this lighting will be higher this year, and supplies will be lower still, so we need your views as to whether or not to hang these this year, and if we do, how to calculate the cost of running them to compensate those residents who are kind enough to plug these lights into their homes. We also want to establish your views as to responsible lighting this year.

We also need ideas for our family Christmas party and offers of help with organising this please. Sadly, our appeals for help to organise the Christmas lights, has received very little response, but we still have many very willing helpers to get the lights up  for which we are always very grateful.

We are also very pleased to be joined by Cllr Avril Hunter, the Chairman of Sevenoaks District Council. Avril is passionate about  the environment, and this is her central focus for her year in office, to champion the Council's Net Zero 2030 agenda.  She is keen to hear your views and listen to your questions around both the environment, and the wellbeing of the residents in the district. Please come along and meet her.
Please do come along to this event  and have your say. This is particularly helpful for those that have recently moved into the village, but also a great opportunity to meet up with people you may not have seen for a long time.

Are you concerned about your energy bills this winter?  Citizens Advice Bureau are going to visit Friday Group on Friday 25th November, and deliver a Big Energy Saving Project workshop to explore ways of keeping our costs as low as possible. 
This is then being followed by an origami workshop, delivered by our own Nicole from NimiÅ› in the High Street. This will give us the opportunity to make some origami Christmas decorations, so another money saving project and possibly a chance to learn a new skill!
Everybody is welcome to this open morning, and we look forward to meeting you at the Church Hall for coffee, tea, refreshments and learning. What more could we ask for? 
The session will start earlier on Friday 25th, so watch this space for more information. 

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25th.  Either 3pm or 7.30pm. £30 to include all materials needed, wine and mince pie. Contact Chris on 01732 763585 to book. Places get snapped up quickly, so don't delay!

Return of last year's successful event with stalls offering a range of unique Christmas gifts -  SEAL VILLAGE HALL SUN NOV 27th 10.30am-3pm 
Teas and cakes, Tombola, Raffle, Unique Christmas Gifts, Many Crafts and Sweet Stalls. Come and join us!!

This operates every 4th Tuesday of the month at Seal Library 2.30-4pm. We have some interesting speakers each month, and now, due to our success, we need some volunteers to help with the teas - putting out cups and saucers, and cakes, and tidying up at the end of the session.Please let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.  Frances 077492 40456.
MESSY CHURCH takes place today – Oct 16 from 3-4.30pm in the church hall. Story, craft, worship and tea! For all ages – come along and join us.

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