Monday, April 17, 2023

Easter Eco event

 Many thanks to Babs and her team of Eco Church helpers who put on an event amidst the wind and rain of Easter week to make bird boxes. Here are some photos of the event, which had to be moved into the church hall to avoid the gale force winds! 

Babs sent me the following report on the event:

Families left laden with bird boxes, decorated with painted wooden shapes, and fat ball bird feeders, made by the children and destined to promote birds in their own gardens and local community areas. Josh and Alexander helped children in constructing their boxes, having practised in a Scouts & Cubs pack meeting just before Easter- thank you so much to them both for such great coaching, which will hopefully go towards a badge or two. 

   A few Cubs/Scouts/ Explorers came and cut wood funded by the 9th Sevenoaks Seal group, to be made up at an upcoming meeting, for the new grounds and hut coming to Seal soon. 

Most of the fat balls were left to fill our Churchyard home made bird feeders, once refrigerated.


      The new Hedgehog box, Robin boxes and reptile covers were much admired, but placing these in our churchyard wildlife area will need to wait for some more pleasant, less gusty, weather! 

Some braved the rain and hailstones to stroll to see our bug hotel, taking some nature hunt challenges with them, but filling the bug hotel’s compartments, and churchyard trails together, will have to keep until May, now.

Light refreshments were served and I think that some fun was shared by all who attended.

My grateful thanks to Helen and Steve, Jenni, Rosemary,Sally, Georgina,Jessie, Josie and Paul, whose support and cheerfulness when we had to move our event inside and reduce the number of activities, I massively appreciate.

It may not have been the sun-filled morning out in our ancient churchyard, looking up to the North Downs, that I had hoped for, but we kept dry, warm and safe, and have much to add to our wildlife area very soon (currently stowed behind a pew at the back of the church!)

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