Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sunday Worship Podcast link and other news from Seal Church: March 17 2024


Dear Friends
Listen to today's worship podcast by clicking on the picture above. 

Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong

This week: 
Wed     10.30am Lavender Fields Holy Communion
            4.30-5pm Children's Choir
            7.15 pm Adult choir practice
Fri        9 am Morning prayer in church
            10.30am Friday Group in the Church Hall
Sat       7.00pm Quiz night - SORRY - SOLD OUT

Next Sunday
10 am   Holy Communion .
6.30pm Evensong

Lent 5

Today's Gospel reading tells of Jesus' reaction to some Greeks who come to Jesus wanting to talk to him. We don't know what they wanted to talk about, but Jesus' response shows that he is very aware that soon he will be killed. He had been the focus of increasing attention and controversy. Some hoped he would try to overthrow the Romans or the Jewish Temple authorities. Some were horrified at the thought, and looking for ways to get rid of him. Jesus's answer hints that "victory" might not look as people expect.
All Age Ideas
The cross is the most common Christian symbol. In some ways it is a sad image, because Jesus was killed by being nailed to a cross, but for Christians it is also a symbol of love and hope. It showed us God's love for us, and told us that nothing can destroy that love.
  • Christians have drawn, painted and carved crosses in many different ways. You could make your own, decorating it as you like. 
  • I wonder whether you will see any crosses around you today or in the week ahead? Perhaps you will see some in churches or at school...Keep your eyes open for them this week!
THE ARCHDEACON was hoping to preach in church at our 10 am service, but has unfortunately been taken ill, so I am afraid you are stuck with the same old vicar again... 

BARBARA ARNOLD'S MEMORIAL SERVICE will take place on Tuesday March 26th at 12.30 in Seal Church, following a private family cremation. After the service in church there will be a reception in the Restoration Pub, off Sevenoaks High Street (formerly the Blackboy). Everyone is welcome both to the service and the reception afterwards. 

COFFEE ROTA Clare Jenne would like to pass over the organisation of the coffee rota to someone else - the current rota runs until June. Would anyone be able to take this on? It also involves making sure that the stocks of coffee, tea, sugar and squash are adequate.

I am planning to organise some confirmation preparation with a view to taking candidates to a Confirmation service at St Giles Farnborough on Sunday June 16 at 4pm. I would need to meet with candidates a number of times for some preparation – in a group if possible, but otherwise one to one. If you would like to be confirmed, please let me know as soon as possible. This will be the last opportunity to be prepared and presented for confirmation before I retire.

QUIZ NIGHT ON SATURDAY. Tickets are now sold out for this event, but if you wanted to come and were too late - look out for the next one later in the year.

Meets each Friday morning in the Church Hall between 10.30 and 12.30   Coffee, chat, by all means, bring your crafting with you but mostly, enjoy the company.

You may remember that last year, we were searching for a team of volunteers, to help out with the running of Seal Village Hall. The Management Committee had reached a stage where the lack of support with the general running of the hall, was leading to its possible closure. The search led to a group being set up - Friends of Seal Village Hall - who committed to helping the management committee (which was grown and consolidated) with various specific projects as they arose.
Having spent much time discussing various projects, the Management Committee have decided to pursue 2 exciting projects to bring to the Village Hall this year. The first is something I know many of you have mentioned in the past - a pop-up community cinema. The second, is to look at a project which is provided by a group of actors, who bring a ready made production to community halls.
The Friends of Seal Village Hall are already considering how they might get involved in helping with these projects, but before they get too far with their planning, we would like to see how much interest there would be in either of these. Please could you take some time to consider whether you might support either of these projects if they were available to you, and respond via this email address.
We are pretty sure there is interest in the pop-up cinema, as it has been mentioned by many of you in recent feedback, but the committee would like to know there is sufficient support before committing too much in the way of funds, and, of course, effort. It is likely, therefore, that this will be the first of the projects to bring to our community.
Please let me know if you would be interested in coming along to such an event, or, even, to help with the organisation of it.
We all look forward to your responses.

Seal Pavilion at 7.30pm. All welcome.

New gardens and raffle prizes + plants for the Seal Garden Safari
If you have a lovely garden in Seal, please contact me about opening it on Sunday 30th June at the next Garden safari. I would also like any spare raffle prizes and plants (house or garden) for the safari. In the next few weeks … this is the ideal time to divide your perennials. The money raised this year will be going to Cancer and Mind charities. In other years we have raised about £400 for the raffle and plants which is about half of the money!
Thanks to the people who have already said YES to me!
Many thanks in advance
Frances Fish 01732 760007 mob 07749240456

Copyright © 2024 St Peter and St Paul, Seal, All rights reserved.

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