Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday worship podcast link and other news: June 30


Dear Friends
Listen to today's worship podcast by clicking on the picture above. 

Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong (Said, with hymns)

This week: 
Wed                       7.15 am Choir practice
Fri                          9am Morning prayer in church
                              10.30am Friday Group in the Church Hall
                              11.30 am  Baptism: Hamish Sindall
Sat                        12 noon: Wedding: Georgia and James
Next Sunday 
10 am  Patronal Festival and Farewell to Anne and Philip, followed by celebrations to mark the day.
No Evening service this week (but evening services will continue during the interregnum


Today's Gospel reading is the story of two healings, one enfolded within the other. Jesus is begged by a desperate father, an important and probably wealthy man, to heal his daughter who is at the point of death. On the way there, a woman in the crowd, who has a chronic condition, touches his cloak, hoping to be healed without anyone noticing. Jesus stops to find out who she is and to hear her story, declaring publicly that this woman, who has been marginalised by her community as unclean, is healed and blessed. But this means that by the time he gets to the little girl's house, she is already dead. This is not the end of the story, however...

The story asks us to consider the subtle, and not so subtle, ways in which we might think of some people as more deserving than others of God's love and help. 
  • As you listen to the story, who do you sympathise with? 
  • When you are in need, do you feel confident about asking for help, or are you apologetic, not wanting to make a fuss, as the woman in the story seems to be? Why do you feel the way you do?

All Age Ideas

In today's Gospel story, Jesus is interrupted on the way to heal the little daughter of an important man. A woman reaches out to touch his robe, believing it will  heal her - she had been ill for a long time - without anyone knowing. She doesn't want to make a fuss or draw attention to herself. But Jesus stops to heal and talk to her. That means that when he gets to the child's house, she has already died. Jesus raises her from death, but her family had already gone through the sadness of thinking they had lost her. 
  • I wonder how the people in the story felt when Jesus stopped to heal the woman? 
  • How do you feel if someone takes a long time to do something you have asked them to do?
  • Do you know anyone who is feeling poorly today? God cares about them, even though they don't always get healed as the people in this story do. You could say a special prayer for them, and maybe make them a card too!

Well done to Maggie, Chris and their team, for raising £746 for the church - a huge thank you.

Sunday 30th June 12-5pm £6 per person £5 if paid in advance Tickets from Seal village stores or Frances Fish 01732 760007 or 07749240456 Children accompanied by adult free Money to go to Cancer and Mind charities Raffle and plant stall at 2 Zambra way Refreshments now at 2A Zambra way ( not at the allotment)
Tickets now available from Seal Supermarket

FREE ! Children's books in the church porch.
I am downsizing my rather ridiculously large collection of children's books. Please help me out by helping yourself, if you have children, grandchildren, godchildren or other small friends... They will be in the church porch until Sun 30th, after which any left over will go to a charity shop!

Donations will go to Seal Village Hall fund
Saturday  29th June 12 - 4 pm
Sunday 30th June 11 - 4pm
Seal Village Hall

There will be a lovely selection of artwork from the Thursday U3A art group which meets in  Seal Village Hall each week. We are also having a board with some small pieces of artwork from each of our members for sale costing £5 which will be sold and the money will be going to the Seal Village Hall fund..
Other artwork will be on sale ... please come and browse and enjoy the atmosphere! 

ENHANCED LISTENING COURSE 20th and 27th July - 10.30 to 12.30 in Seal Church hall.
Two sessions to enable group participants to recognise the listening skills they already have and
enhance them with confidence. Please contact Sue Buddin – 07737026701 or 01732 760990 if you think this could be useful to you or want further information
BIG BUTTERFLY COUNT 12th – 14th July. Thank you to Babs and all who came along to help survey the churchyard during this past week. Following on from that, can you spare some time to do some butterfly and moth spotting in the churchyard? If so, please contact Babs Bartholomew to help out - More details at

PATRONAL FESTIVAL AND FAREWELL TO ANNE AND PHILIP Sunday July 7th between 10 am  and 4pm 
Philip and I would be very glad to see anyone who would like to come along and join in the celebrations to mark our last day in the parish before my retirement on July 7. 
The day starts with the Patronal Festival and Farewell service at 10 am, but continues with a shared lunch, bbq, music, activities, tree planting in the churchyard, and then strawberries, cake and tea in the church hall. Details in the pic below.
If our paths have crossed at all during my time at Seal - weddings, baptisms, funerals, through the school, Know Your Neighbours, or in any other way - it would be lovely to see you, so do drop in!

Many, many thanks to all those who have been involved in organising this lovely assortment of activities to mark the day! We are bowled over already by the thought and care that have gone into making this a special day. 

Back in the Autumn we signed up for the Parish Giving Scheme which is a simple system to replace Standing Orders as a way of giving to the church, and automates the collection of Gift Aid for those who are tax payers, which saves a great deal of time and effort on the part of the volunteers who help to look after the churches finances and means we get the Gift Aid very quickly. 
It would be great if more people could give through this scheme, as it simplifies the administrative burden so much! If you are a regular giver to Seal (or would like to become one!) please would you consider using this route for your donations.
You can find out more here, or contact us if you would like to know more, by emailing


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday worship podcast and other news from Seal Church: June 23


Dear Friends
Listen to today's worship podcast by clicking on the picture above. 

Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am  Holy Communion
2pm     Wedding anniversary thanksgiving: 
6.30pm Evensong (Said, with hymns)

This week: 
Wed                       7.15 am Choir practice
Friday                     9am Morning prayer in church
                              10.30am Friday Group in the Church Hall
Next Sunday 
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong  (Said, with hymns)

Christ's disciples wrestle to gain control of their boat amidst towering seas, while Christ sits in the stern of the ship, about to say "Peace! Be Still!"Jesus' disciples are "all at sea" in today's Gospel reading, despite many of them being experienced fishermen. When I visited Galilee, the lake was glassy calm, but apparently it can blow up into a storm remarkably quickly, and it can catch out even those who know it well. 
But the disciples fear of the storm is, as I explore in today's sermon, soon replaced by another fear, when they realise that Jesus, who has stilled the storm, is far more than just an ordinary Galilean carpenter, or even a wise teacher. 
Rembrandt's picture captures well the scale and the terror of the storm, but if you look closely, you can see the figure of Jesus, serene and shining with glory, in the stern of the boat, about to say "Peace! Be still!"
  • Do you recall any savage storms you have been in? What was it like?
  • Have their been other "storms" in your life? What has helped you when you are in them?

All Age Ideas
The picture above is of a storm on the Sea of Galilee. The Gospel story today tells of a time when Jesus' disciples were sailing back across the Sea of Galilee - really a large lake - with Jesus asleep in the boat. Suddenly a storm blew up, and the disciples thought the boat would sink. They woke Jesus up, and said "Don't you care that we are dying?"  But Jesus just said "Peace! Be still!" and the storm stopped. 
Jesus always cares, and though sometimes life does feel "stormy" he is always with us to help us. 
  • Have you been in a storm? Are you frightened or excited when there are high winds or thunder?
  • What helps you when you are feeling frightened?
  • You could make a storm bottle. Fill a bottle or jam jar with water, and add one drop (no more!) of washing up liquid. Then add some glitter and other small things. You could also add some food colouring if you want it to be coloured.  Put the top on really tightly. If you can add some tape around the lid it will be less likely to leak!. Shake it up, and then watch the glitter and other things settle. 
Newly confirmed confirmation candidates with the Bishop, under a yew tree.Congratulations to those confirmed last Sunday in Farnborough. It was a lovely service, and great to see them taking this new step in their faith journey. 

Sunday 30th June 12-5pm £6 per person £5 if paid in advance Tickets from Seal village stores or Frances Fish 01732 760007 or 07749240456 Children accompanied by adult free Money to go to Cancer and Mind charities Raffle and plant stall at 2 Zambra way Refreshments now at 2A Zambra way ( not at the allotment)
Tickets now available from Seal Supermarket

FREE ! Children's books in the church porch.
I am downsizing my rather ridiculously large collection of children's books. Please help me out by helping yourself, if you have children, grandchildren, godchildren or other small friends... They will be in the church porch until Sun 30th, after which any left over will go to a charity shop!

Donations will go to Seal Village Hall fund
Saturday  29th June 12 - 4 pm
Sunday 30th June 11 - 4pm
Seal Village Hall

There will be a lovely selection of artwork from the Thursday U3A art group which meets in  Seal Village Hall each week. We are also having a board with some small pieces of artwork from each of our members for sale costing £5 which will be sold and the money will be going to the Seal Village Hall fund..
Other artwork will be on sale ... please come and browse and enjoy the atmosphere! 

ENHANCED LISTENING COURSE 20th and 27th July - 10.30 to 12.30 in Seal Church hall.
Two sessions to enable group participants to recognise the listening skills they already have and
enhance them with confidence. Please contact Sue Buddin – 07737026701 or 01732 760990 if you think this could be useful to you or want further information
BIG BUTTERFLY COUNT 12th – 14th July. Thank you to Babs and all who came along to help survey the churchyard during this past week. Following on from that, can you spare some time to do some butterfly and moth spotting in the churchyard? If so, please contact Babs Bartholomew to help out - More details at

PATRONAL FESTIVAL AND FAREWELL TO ANNE AND PHILIP Sunday July 7th between 10 am  and 4pm 
Philip and I would be very glad to see anyone who would like to come along and join in the celebrations to mark our last day in the parish before my retirement on July 7. 
The day starts with the Patronal Festival and Farewell service at 10 am, but continues with a shared lunch, bbq, music, activities, tree planting in the churchyard, and then strawberries, cake and tea in the church hall. Details in the pic below.
If our paths have crossed at all during my time at Seal - weddings, baptisms, funerals, through the school, Know Your Neighbours, or in any other way - it would be lovely to see you, so do drop in!

Many, many thanks to all those who have been involved in organising this lovely assortment of activities to mark the day! We are bowled over already by the thought and care that have gone into making this a special day. 

Back in the Autumn we signed up for the Parish Giving Scheme which is a simple system to replace Standing Orders as a way of giving to the church, and automates the collection of Gift Aid for those who are tax payers, which saves a great deal of time and effort on the part of the volunteers who help to look after the churches finances and means we get the Gift Aid very quickly. 
It would be great if more people could give through this scheme, as it simplifies the administrative burden so much! If you are a regular giver to Seal (or would like to become one!) please would you consider using this route for your donations.
You can find out more here, or contact us if you would like to know more, by emailing


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Worship Podcast and other link: June 16

Dear Friends
Listen to today's worship podcast by clicking on the picture above. 

Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong (Said, with hymns)

This week: 
Wed                       7.15 am Choir practice
Friday                     9am Morning prayer in church
                              10.30am Friday Group in the Church Hall

Sat                         10-3pm Garden party at 17 Zambra Way
Next Sunday 
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong  (Said, with hymns)

Today's readings have a "tree" theme. Ezekiel describes the nation of Judah (the southern tribes around Jerusalem) as a tree, planted by God, but which has now been cut down, since Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Babylonians and many of the population taken into forced exile. Is it all over for them, or can this tree grow back again? Jesus also uses the imagery of growth in his parables, but the "tree" he describes is very different.
  • Do you have a favourite tree? What is it about the tree that you love?
  • What does it feel like to you to be welcomed and included? Are there times when you haven't felt like that? 
  • You might like to find a patch of overgrown scrub and watch it for a while to see what visits it, feeds on it, or makes its home in it. The Merlin bird app is great for identifying the birds you can hear but not see, and iNaturalist can help you identify insects and plants. There's often a lot more going on than we think!
All Age Ideas
a scrubby overgrown peelu bushDo you like trees? They are all different. Some are big and dramatic. Others are small and ordinary. But all of them can be home to lots of different creatures. Jesus tells a story in today's Gospel reading about a tree that grows from what he calls a "mustard seed". The tree he is talking about is probably a tree called Salvadora Persica, but it has other names too - the Peelu tree, the Miswak tree, or even the "toothbrush" tree, A peelu twig toothbrushbecause people make toothbrushes out of its twigs, like the one on the left!

It is often more like a large, overgrown bush than a tree - very untidy and sprawly, but great for providing nesting and roosting places for birds, and food for many creatures, including people (as well as toothbrushes). It doesn't look very special, and it can be a nuisance if it gets overgrown, but it is an important plant. Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like that. It can grow from something very small - a kind act or word by just one person - but grow into something big which helps a lot of people and has room for everyone.Have you got any favourite trees? What makes them special to you?
  • Spend some time sitting quietly near an overgrown, wild scrubby patch of land, like a bramble thicket. Listen and look. What comes and goes from it? What lives or feeds on it.? (You could ask a grown up to download the Merlin and/or iNaturalist apps to their phones - Merlin will listen to the bird song and tell you what birds are around - you might not be able to see them, but you can hear them. iNaturalist will help you identify plants, birds, animals and insects from photos). 
  • What makes you feel welcome and included in groups you are part of? 

Watch out for events between June 15th- 22nd to mark the Great Big Green Week, and Count on Nature week which aims to survey the wildlife in churchyards. There will be someone from the Eco Church team in the churchyard between 6 and 8pm every evening, with suggestions to help us see what flora and fauna we have, including a bat survey! Details to follow.


Garden Party 22nd June
17 Zambra Way Starts at 10.00 till 3.00
Stalls Plants, Cakes, Grifts& Bric-brac
Light Lunch Menu Tea & Coffee
And Maggie's Famous Quiche

Sunday 30th June 12-5pm £6 per person £5 if paid in advance Tickets from Seal village stores or Frances Fish 01732 760007 or 07749240456 Children accompanied by adult free Money to go to Cancer and Mind charities Raffle and plant stall at 2 Zambra way Refreshments now at 2A Zambra way ( not at the allotment)
Tickets now available from Seal Supermarket

Donations will go to Seal Village Hall fund
Saturday  29th June 12 - 4 pm
Sunday 30th June 11 - 4pm
Seal Village Hall
There will be a lovely selection of artwork from the Thursday U3A art group which meets in  Seal Village Hall each week. We are also having a board with some small pieces of artwork from each of our members for sale costing £5 which will be sold and the money will be going to the Seal Village Hall fund..
Other artwork will be on sale ... please come and browse and enjoy the atmosphere! 

Back in the Autumn we signed up for the Parish Giving Scheme which is a simple system to replace Standing Orders as a way of giving to the church, and automates the collection of Gift Aid for those who are tax payers, which saves a great deal of time and effort on the part of the volunteers who help to look after the churches finances and means we get the Gift Aid very quickly. 
It would be great if more people could give through this scheme, as it simplifies the administrative burden so much! If you are a regular giver to Seal (or would like to become one!) please would you consider using this route for your donations.
You can find out more here, or contact us if you would like to know more, by emailing

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Sunday Worship podcast link and other news: June 9


Dear Friends
Listen to today's worship podcast by clicking on the picture above. 

Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am  All Age Worship & Baptism: Isaac Bridges
6.30pm Breathing Space Holy Communion

This week: 
Wed                       7.15 am Choir practice
Friday                     9am Morning prayer in church
                              10.30am Friday Group in the Church Hall
Next Sunday 
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong  (Said, with hymns)

Families feature large in today's reading. Families, are, of course, important. At their best, they are places wehre we can learn to love and be loved, feel secure and thrive, but many families aren't like that, and no family is perfect. The Old Testament reading gives us a picture of a partnership that, despite being very new, is already coming apart at the seams, riven by blame and scapegoating. The picture accompanying the podcast shows the moment when the rot sets in, when Adam and Eve are taken in by the smooth-talking snake, and give in to the temptation to try to play God, with disastrous results. 
In the Gospel reading Jesus seems to be rejecting his own family of origin in favour of the followers he has gathered around him. It's an uncomfortable moment, and might challenge our image of him, but, as is often the case, Jesus is making a point through exaggeration. His family are trying to prevent him fulfilling his calling. Families can be wonderful, but they can also behave as if they own their members, trying to squash them into a mould. Jesus affirms the importance of people taking responsibility for answering the call of God on their lives, and the "families" that don't fit the stereotype we might have of them. 
  • Have you ever had to take a different path from the one your family expected you to take?
  • What did that feel like?
  • What do you think and feel as you hear the Gospel story? Where do your sympathies lie?
All Age Ideas

In today's Gospel reading Jesus' family try to stop him preaching and sharing his message. He refuses to stop though. This is the job God has given him to do. His family aren't very happy about it. I wonder how they all felt, and how Jesus felt that they were upset?
In the Old Testament reading Adam blames Eve for making him eat the fruit God said they shouldn't, but he chose to do eat it just as much as she did. Eve blames the snake. Neither of them accepts their own responsibility. It doesn't sound like a very happy family!
  • What do you love about your family?
  • How can you help to make your family a place where everyone knows they are loved and valued?
  • You could write or draw something for each member of your family telling them what you think is good about them, and what you like about being part of your family.

Watch out for events between June 15th- 22nd to mark the Great Big Green Week, and Count on Nature week which aims to survey the wildlife in churchyards. There will be someone from the Eco Church team in the churchyard between 6 and 8pm every evening, with suggestions to help us see what flora and fauna we have, including a bat survey! Details to follow.


Garden Party 22nd June
17 Zambra Way Starts at 10.00 till 3.00
Stalls Plants, Cakes, Grifts& Bric-brac
Light Lunch Menu Tea & Coffee
And Maggie's Famous Quiche

Back in the Autumn we signed up for the Parish Giving Scheme which is a simple system to replace Standing Orders as a way of giving to the church, and automates the collection of Gift Aid for those who are tax payers, which saves a great deal of time and effort on the part of the volunteers who help to look after the churches finances and means we get the Gift Aid very quickly. 
It would be great if more people could give through this scheme, as it simplifies the administrative burden so much! If you are a regular giver to Seal (or would like to become one!) please would you consider using this route for your donations.
You can find out more here, or contact us if you would like to know more, by emailing


Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sunday Worship podcast link and other news: June 2 2024


Dear Friends
Listen to today's worship podcast by clicking on the picture above. 

Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

(I am having problems with the phone-in version of this podcast, so have had to suspend it. Spotify is also playing up, so if you subscribe on Spotify,  this week's and future podcasts can be found here. Access to past podcasts here. It is simpler to use the Youtube link in the picture above, however!)

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong (said, with hymns)

This week: 
Wed                        No Choir
Thurs                     8pm PCC meeting
Friday                     9am Morning prayer in church
                              10.30am Friday Group in the Church Hall
Next Sunday 
10 am  All Age Worship and Baptism: Isaac Bridges
12 noon  Baptism: Sacha Fitzsimons
6.30pm Breathing Space Holy Communion

In today's readings we hear about two "outstretched" arms or hands. Today's sermon explores that idea.
In the Old Testament, God is described as delivering Israel out of Egypt with "an outstretched arm", while in the Gospel we meet a man whose longing is to "stretch out his hand", something he has been unable to do because his arm is "withered", by an accident, illness or from birth. The other common factor between both readings is the Sabbath. The first speaks of the reason for keeping the Sabbath, while the second is set on the Sabbath, at a time when some people had become so particular about keeping it that it had become more important to them than the needs of those around them. 
  • Do you think there is something healthy about having a day which is different in the week?
  • How do you mark Sundays?
All Age Ideas

In today's Gospel story, Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath Day. You might expect everyone to be pleased about this, but some people are cross, because they saw the Sabbath day - Saturday for Jewish people - as a day when no one should do any work, and healing people was work, in their opinion. Jesus said that it was more important to help people than to keep this rule perfectly, and that this was really what this special day of the week was for, to show our love for others and for God. Christians keep the "Sabbath" on Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead. Many Christians go to church then, to gather together for worship and to encourage each other. 
  • Are there special things that happen on some days of the week for you? 
  • What do you do on Sundays? Does it feel like a special day to you?
  • What could you do then to make it special, to help others and to learn more about God? 
Thank you to Babs for a lovely Eco Church activity afternoon last week. We made paper pots and sowed seeds, and learned about bees. A great time was had by all in our lovely churchyard.
Watch out for events between June 15th- 22nd to mark the Great Big Green Week, and Count on Nature week which aims to survey the wildlife in churchyards. There will be someone from the Eco Church team in the churchyard between 6 and 8pm every evening, with suggestions to help us see what flora and fauna we have, including a bat survey! Details to follow.


Garden Party 22nd June
17 Zambra Way Starts at 10.00 till 3.00
Stalls Plants, Cakes, Grifts& Bric-brac
Light Lunch Menu Tea & Coffee
And Maggie's Famous Quiche

Back in the Autumn we signed up for the Parish Giving Scheme which is a simple system to replace Standing Orders as a way of giving to the church, and automates the collection of Gift Aid for those who are tax payers, which saves a great deal of time and effort on the part of the volunteers who help to look after the churches finances and means we get the Gift Aid very quickly. 
It would be great if more people could give through this scheme, as it simplifies the administrative burden so much! If you are a regular giver to Seal (or would like to become one!) please would you consider using this route for your donations.
You can find out more here, or contact us if you would like to know more, by emailing