Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sunday Worship podcast link and other news: June 2 2024


Dear Friends
Listen to today's worship podcast by clicking on the picture above. 

Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

(I am having problems with the phone-in version of this podcast, so have had to suspend it. Spotify is also playing up, so if you subscribe on Spotify,  this week's and future podcasts can be found here. Access to past podcasts here. It is simpler to use the Youtube link in the picture above, however!)

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am  Holy Communion
6.30pm Evensong (said, with hymns)

This week: 
Wed                        No Choir
Thurs                     8pm PCC meeting
Friday                     9am Morning prayer in church
                              10.30am Friday Group in the Church Hall
Next Sunday 
10 am  All Age Worship and Baptism: Isaac Bridges
12 noon  Baptism: Sacha Fitzsimons
6.30pm Breathing Space Holy Communion

In today's readings we hear about two "outstretched" arms or hands. Today's sermon explores that idea.
In the Old Testament, God is described as delivering Israel out of Egypt with "an outstretched arm", while in the Gospel we meet a man whose longing is to "stretch out his hand", something he has been unable to do because his arm is "withered", by an accident, illness or from birth. The other common factor between both readings is the Sabbath. The first speaks of the reason for keeping the Sabbath, while the second is set on the Sabbath, at a time when some people had become so particular about keeping it that it had become more important to them than the needs of those around them. 
  • Do you think there is something healthy about having a day which is different in the week?
  • How do you mark Sundays?
All Age Ideas

In today's Gospel story, Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath Day. You might expect everyone to be pleased about this, but some people are cross, because they saw the Sabbath day - Saturday for Jewish people - as a day when no one should do any work, and healing people was work, in their opinion. Jesus said that it was more important to help people than to keep this rule perfectly, and that this was really what this special day of the week was for, to show our love for others and for God. Christians keep the "Sabbath" on Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead. Many Christians go to church then, to gather together for worship and to encourage each other. 
  • Are there special things that happen on some days of the week for you? 
  • What do you do on Sundays? Does it feel like a special day to you?
  • What could you do then to make it special, to help others and to learn more about God? 
Thank you to Babs for a lovely Eco Church activity afternoon last week. We made paper pots and sowed seeds, and learned about bees. A great time was had by all in our lovely churchyard.
Watch out for events between June 15th- 22nd to mark the Great Big Green Week, and Count on Nature week which aims to survey the wildlife in churchyards. There will be someone from the Eco Church team in the churchyard between 6 and 8pm every evening, with suggestions to help us see what flora and fauna we have, including a bat survey! Details to follow.


Garden Party 22nd June
17 Zambra Way Starts at 10.00 till 3.00
Stalls Plants, Cakes, Grifts& Bric-brac
Light Lunch Menu Tea & Coffee
And Maggie's Famous Quiche

Back in the Autumn we signed up for the Parish Giving Scheme which is a simple system to replace Standing Orders as a way of giving to the church, and automates the collection of Gift Aid for those who are tax payers, which saves a great deal of time and effort on the part of the volunteers who help to look after the churches finances and means we get the Gift Aid very quickly. 
It would be great if more people could give through this scheme, as it simplifies the administrative burden so much! If you are a regular giver to Seal (or would like to become one!) please would you consider using this route for your donations.
You can find out more here, or contact us if you would like to know more, by emailing


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