Sunday, July 07, 2024

Worship podcast link and other news from Seal


Dear Friends
Today marks my retirement as Vicar of Seal, and therefore, sadly, the last of these weekly newsletters and worship podcasts. I am very grateful for all the kind messages people have sent me since I began making these podcasts at the beginning of the Covid pandemic; it has been good to know how much they have been appreciated. The old ones will still be available in the YouTube account, at least for the time being, if you want to revisit any!
Services in the church building will continue as normal, led by visiting clergy, by Kevin Bright our Reader, or by members of the congregation. 

There are also online services produced by the Church of England every week, which you can find here. They come from a different local church each week, so you can travel through England and join in with many different congregations for worship.

I will be holding you in my prayers.
Anne Le Bas

Worship Online
Worship podcast - Click on picture above
Order of service

DONATE TO SEAL CHURCH HERE all contributions gratefully received to keep the church thriving!

In the church building today
10 am  Patronal Festival Holy Communion and farewell to Anne and Philip, followed by festivities in the churchyard and church hall through the day ( see below)
No evensong this week, but evening services will continue from next week.

This week: 
Fri, Sat, Sun           Big Butterfly watch in the churchyard (see below)             
Next Sunday 
10 am  All Age Worship
6.30pm Breathing Space Holy Communion


In our first reading today, Paul gives thanks for the people of the church at Philippi, and prays for them. 
Today, I am giving thanks for all those whose lives have touched mine during my ministry over the last 18 years at Seal, and also the 13 years before that in the churches of St Mary, St Faith and St Francis, Alverstoke, St Thomas, Elson, and Christ Church, Gosport. As I look back, I know that there are too many people to name, but that each one of them has revealed something of God's love to me. 
  • Thinking back over your life, who are the people whose love has shown you God's love, and enriched your life?
  • In the Gospel reading, St Peter asks Jesus to call to him to get out of the boat, so that he can walk on the water like Jesus. He soon finds himself sinking, but Jesus is right there to pull him up out of the water. Have you ever had to do something which felt (and maybe was) impossible? Have you ever felt out of your depth? What helped you? 
All Age Ideas

Today will be my last Sunday at Seal Church, because I am retiring and Philip and I will be moving away from Seal. I will miss everyone a lot, and that makes me feel a bit sad sometimes. I know that life will feel different, but I don't quite know how yet, and that can make me feel a bit frightened. But I also know that there are times in our lives when it is right to move on, and I feel excited about the new things I will be able to do. I am looking forward to having time to sew, read and look after my garden in my new home (you can see my garden in the picture!) 
Stained Glass window from Seal Church showing St Peter sinking in the water, and Jesus coming to his rescuePerhaps you are moving schools or going into a different class or doing something else that feels new and strange sometime soon too? In today's Gospel story, Saint Peter sees Jesus walking on water, and decides that he wants to have a go (don't try this at home!). He walks a few steps - I wonder what that felt like?- but soon starts to sink, but as soon as he calls out for help, Jesus pulls him up out of the water. 
  • How do you feel about doing new things? Do you sometimes feel sad or scared as well as excited?
  • Who or what helps you when you feel like that? 
  • The picture above is of Seal Church's stained glass window, which shows this story. You could draw your own version, and put yourself in it and think about the things that make you feel scared, and pray that you will remember that Jesus is there to help you. 

The photo of the stained glass window which I have used for this week's podcast was taken by Dr Mark Charter, who spent a long time photographing this window and another by the same stained glass artist, John Jennings. You can see more of his photos here . You may note that his site is "Cornish Church windows", and think that Kent is rather far from Cornwall. The link came about because John Jennings made a very similar window (ours came first!) in a church in Cornwall, and Dr Charter wanted to see our window to compare it. 

FREE ! Children's books in the church porch.
There are still some children's books in the porch. Please help me out by helping yourself, if you have children, grandchildren, godchildren or other small friends... Any left over will go to a charity shop, so do pick some up today!

ENHANCED LISTENING COURSE 20th and 27th July - 10.30 to 12.30 in Seal Church hall.
Two sessions to enable group participants to recognise the listening skills they already have and
enhance them with confidence. Please contact Sue Buddin – 07737026701 or 01732 760990 if you think this could be useful to you or want further information
BIG BUTTERFLY COUNT 12th – 14th July. Thank you to Babs and all who came along to help survey the churchyard during this past week. Following on from that, can you spare some time to do some butterfly and moth spotting in the churchyard? If so, please contact Babs Bartholomew to help out - More details at

Philip and I would be very glad to see anyone who would like to come along and join in the celebrations to mark our last day in the parish today. 
The day starts with the Patronal Festival and Farewell service at 10 am, but continues with a shared lunch, bbq, music, activities, tree planting in the churchyard, and then strawberries, cake and tea in the church hall. Details in the pic below.
If our paths have crossed at all during my time at Seal - weddings, baptisms, funerals, through the school, Know Your Neighbours, or in any other way - it would be lovely to see you, so do drop in!

Many, many thanks to all those who have been involved in organising this lovely assortment of activities to mark the day! We are bowled over already by the thought and care that have gone into making this a special day. 

Back in the Autumn we signed up for the Parish Giving Scheme which is a simple system to replace Standing Orders as a way of giving to the church, and automates the collection of Gift Aid for those who are tax payers, which saves a great deal of time and effort on the part of the volunteers who help to look after the churches finances and means we get the Gift Aid very quickly. 
It would be great if more people could give through this scheme, as it simplifies the administrative burden so much! If you are a regular giver to Seal (or would like to become one!) please would you consider using this route for your donations.
You can find out more here, or contact us if you would like to know more, by emailing


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