Monday, November 28, 2022

One Word Advent Reflections - Starting Dec 1

Advent daily meditations and colouring sheet (Starting Dec 1)

If this year's Advent series looks strangely familiar, that's because it is!
This year I am republishing an Advent series I did a few years ago, since it seems to me that it speaks into our present situation. Life is busy and fraught. There is so much to worry about at the moment. This series, originally published in 2016, focussed, as the title suggests, on One Word, just one word, each day, which I hope will lead us to the One Word who is Jesus.

Advent daily meditations and colouring sheet... (Starting Dec 1)

Less is more, so they say, and that’s especially true in Advent.

At a time of year when the world can feel very noisy and demanding, we can easily feel overwhelmed. Yet, what God did at Christmas was essentially very simple. One baby, born to one family, in one specific place, at one specific time.

That’s why this year our daily meditations will focus on just one word a day, one Advent word that will help us prepare to celebrate the birth of the Word made flesh, Jesus. There will be a few questions each day to prompt your thoughts or discussions. You can find the meditations here on the blog each day - there will be facebook and twitter links too, so follow us there and they will pop up in your feed.

You can ponder these Advent words on your own, or talk about them with others. There will be an accompanying colouring sheet for you to fill if you’d like to as well, perhaps writing the word in each day’s space, or representing it in some other way, It’s up to you.

The series starts on December 1, though Advent really begins on the Sunday before, and runs through to Christmas Eve. It doesn’t matter, though, if you get behind. Take as long as you need over each word.

Here's a prayer to say as Advent begins.

Advent God,
we journey with you,
to Bethlehem’s stable
and a new-born King,
ears attuned
to the song of angels,
eyes alert
for Bethlehem’s star.
Forgive us
if on our journey
if we are distracted
by the tempting offers
of this world.
Keep our hearts aflame
with the hope
of Christmas,
and the promise
of a Saviour. Amen

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