Dear friends Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today.
with best wishes Anne Le Bas
Online Worship podcast Order of service You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061
In the church building 10 am Holy Communion 4pm Outdoor Church in the churchyard (weather permitting - which it may not today!) 6.30pm Evensong
During the week Wednesday 10 am Zoom Church - email for the link Friday 9.30 am Morning Prayer in Church
Trinity 12 Joshua 24.1-2a, 14-18, John 6.56-69 Today's Gospel reading is the last in a series in the lectionary for this season which focus on John's version of the story of the Feeding of the 5000. It all started so well, with a free lunch provided in the middle of nowhere when Jesus multiplied a little child's gift of five loaves and two fishes, but then people started to realise that there was more to following him than just turning up for the bread. He was calling them to a radical new way of life, which would feed them with life forever. In the Old Testament Reading, Joshua offers the people of Israel a radical cho ice too. Who will they follow? Whose laws will they obey? The God who has brought them across the desert, or the gods of the people they are now surrounded by. Both readings challenge us to think about what gives us life, what really matters.
Think about the things which help you to keep going when you feel down or discouraged. Draw a picture of them or make a list and keep it somewhere where you can see it. If there are people on your list, why not let them know how much they matter to you. |
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