Join us for worship online, on the phone or in the building today.
Online Worship podcast Order of service You can also access this podcast by phoning 01732 928061
In the church building 10 am Holy Communion 4pm Outdoor Church in the churchyard (weather permitting - which it may not today!) 6.30pm Evensong
During the week Wednesday 10 am Zoom Church - email for the link Friday 9.30 am Morning Prayer in Church
The feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Galatians 4.4-7, Luke 1.46-55 Today's sermon explores what the Bible has to say about the Virgin Mary, and how her story has been interpreted by later traditions. It asks what it might mean for us that Jesus was "born of a woman" as St Paul says in Galatians 4.4.
One of my favourite pictures of the Annunciation, when Mary discovers she will bear the Son of God is this one, by Antonello da Messina. There's no angel, just Mary, reading the Scriptures and somehow, inwardly, realising that God is calling her.
Look at the picture on the right. What do you think Mary might be feeling or thinking? What do you think she would want to say to you? What do you want to say to her?
Perhaps you could draw your own picture of Mary. I wonder what she would look like or be doing. |
CHURCH AND COMMUNITY NEWs ARRANGEMENTS FOR WORSHIP FROM AUG 15. Having digested the responses to the survey I put out a few weeks ago (you can see the results on the noticeboard) and consulted with the PCC, I have decided that we should try singing a hymn at the beginning of the 10 am service inside the church. The final hymn will be sung outside as before, unless it is raining. Please keep your masks on to sing! The other change you will see today at communion is that I will be offering the option of receiving a wafer which I will briefly dip in the communion wine immediately before giving it to you. If you would rather just have the wafer, please shake your head at me before I do it! The responses to the survey indicate that on the whole, people want to proceed with caution in reinstating some other aspects of our worship, so we won’t be shaking hands at the Peace for a while and ask you still to wear a mask unless you are exempt and socially distance wherever possible. Arrangements for evening services will remain the same for the moment. I will keep all arrangements for worship under consideration and we plan gradually to introduce more music and restart the choir from September. FOODBANK DONATIONS Lise thanks everyone for their donations for the foodbank. Keep up the good work! Donations welcome of Tuna, Tinned peas, Tinned tomatoes , Tinned custard, Jars of curry sauce, Tinned beef casserole, Tinned corned beef. Please, nothing too close to the sell by date.” Please either leave food in church or deliver it to Lise at 2 Copse Bank, Seal. You can also donate cash – please drop it in to Lise or donate directly to the Foodbank bank account. The bank details are: sort code 60-19-02 Account no 30272920. FRIDAY GROUP - This group is meeting weekly on Fridays from 10.30 – 12 noon in the Church hall . Come along and join them for an informal natter.
Anne Le Bas
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Marion at Know Your Neighbours
This week, we have a fund raising scheme for Seal Church to tell you about. Patrick Coffey, a very talented local cabinet maker, has some hand made Windsor chairs, he would like to sell, with the proceeds to go to the church. In all, there are 4 carvers and 2 side chairs. These chairs have never been used. They are made of locally resourced timber - mostly ash and a couple have natural elm seats. They are all finished in natural wax. We feel the fairest way to sell these, is to give as many as possible, the opportunity to bid for these, by email, and the person bidding the most for each item, will be able to purchase. The closing date for this 'silent auction', will be Friday September 3rd. Along with these chairs, , there is also a guidewheel for the tenor bell, which was replaced in the church approxim ately 20 years ago. So, you will be purchasing a piece of local church history. Please bid on these items by emailing , and I will give an update each week until September 3rd. There will be a reserve price on each item, so please do not bid below £50 per chair, or £100 for the guidewheel. I look forward to hearing from any interested party.
REMINDERS:- THE PAVILION RESTAURANT AT WILDERNESSE HOUSE, is now open as below:- These hours will change again, after the launch, but in the meantime -
Their opening hours are as follows:-
Mondays and Tuesdays - closed Wednesdays and Thursdays - 11am - 6pm. Fridays and Saturdays - 11am - 8pm Sundays - 11am - 3pm.
Outside business hours, please email, or leave a message on 01732 445690. There is a sample menu on the Wildernesse House website.
If you would like to book a place on David Williams' history talk around Seal for September 26th, please contact me by emailing
The open days are now available to book by using the following link. If you know of anybody who would love to visit the farm, but has no internet access, please put them in touch with Marion, and she will help them book. Book here
This is excellent value at just £4 per adult and £2 per child. A great way to get some insight into this amazing school project.
Our library in Seal is back! We welcome Gillian, our new librarian, who is keen to get all the normal activities back up and running! Opening hours - Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm, Thursdays 10am - 1pm, Fridays 10am-3pm and Saturdays, 10am - 2pm.
We are hoping to resume Talking Village from September, in Deniz's on the High Street every Monday afternoon from 2-3pm. Please come and buy and drink and join everybody there for a chat. More information to follow soon! If you were a host, and can no longer do this, please let me know, and equally, if you feel you could join up with one other person, to be present once every 6 weeks to welcome others, Marion would love to hear from you too!
Any unused laptops for use of Seal School learners - please contact Marion and she will collect and deliver to Derek for cleansing and prep for use. (Thank you as always Derek).
Church Hall bookings - Maggie Fox - 01732 762840 Village Hall bookings - Gerry Froggat - 01959 522545
Friday Group - Meets at 10.30-midday on Friday mornings in Seal Church Hall. Please pop in for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. Masks still being worn unless exempt.
Recipes for Lockdown Recipe Book - please send to me via this email address.
Dance For Fun Classes - Village Hall - 10.30am - contact Luci 07748 008431.
Short Mat Bowls Tuesday evenings Village Hall - contact Alan Davies or call into the Village Hall at 6.15pm on a Thursday evening.
If you are planning, or already running, some activity in Seal, that you would like to share with us, please contact me, and I will do my best to spread the word. We are hoping to get some welcome cards printed to welcome people into the village as they move in to their new homes. This may take a while, but as always - If you have new neighbours, or are aware of new people moving into the village, please mention KYN and ask if they would like to be added to the circulation list.
Meanwhile, have a great week. Best Wishes,
Marion (On behalf of Seal Know Your Neighbours). |
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