Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Advent Angels 25

The final angelic appearance in our series is that of the angels to the shepherds outside Bethlehem.

It starts with one angel, shining in glory, who tells them – ordinary shepherds – that the Messiah has been born in their own town, but he is then joined by a “multitude of the heavenly host”. It is as if heaven had broken through to earth in that moment, as if they are standing in the heavenly courts right there on the Bethlehem hillside. Like Jacob, whose vision of angels we looked at on Day 3, the shepherds discover that right here, where they are, is the “house of God and gate of heaven”. 

The angels have proclaimed that God himself is present in this tiny child who is lying in the manger. He is the message of God himself – not an angel, but a flesh and blood child – one of them.

·         As you hear the Christmas story once again, what is the message in it for you this year? What is God saying to you through it, and what are you going to do to respond to that message?

·         As you prepare to celebrate Christmas, think about the message your life gives to others. Are you a message which brings peace and joy?

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